Fall Picture Day at Arnold is coming soon! Please see the attached pictures for information and pricing.
over 3 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Picture Pricing and Picture Explanation
Picture Pricing
Arnold Families, Please see the attached letter on Tier 2 COVID precautions starting on Monday, August 30.
over 3 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
COVID Precautions Letter
Arnold Families, Are you wondering when your student needs to return to school? Please see the attachment for Arnold's Reconnection Week Schedule.
over 3 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Reconnection Week
Arnold Families, Enrollment for all students is currently open. Please go to www.clevelandschools.org/enrollment to register today. Here is our supply list for the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
2021-2022 Arnold Supply List
Arnold Families, Do you have a student who will be a 6th grader at CMS next year? If so, please be sure to attend this important meeting!
almost 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
6th Grade Parent Night
Arnold Families, The Cross-Zone and Tuition Student request form is open. Please go to http://clv.city/zoningrequest and fill out the form. This is for students who live outside of the Arnold School Zone or outside of the Cleveland city limits. Please call us if you have any questions. We Are The One!
almost 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Cross-Zone and Tuition Request Sign
Arnold Families, Please visit this link to pre-order your student's yearbook. The yearbook is a wonderful way to look back on our school year. The cost for the yearbook is $15 (what a deal)! https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/search/FMYB111004 We Are The One!
almost 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Photo of the words, "Buy Your Yearbook"
Arnold Families, On Thursday, February 4, we will have our Make-Up Picture Day. This day will be for any school pictures that were missed in the Fall Semester, or for any families that would like a retake. We are also using this picture day to get school photos for all Arnold students that are currently attending Virtual School. We ask that Virtual School students come to Arnold for their school picture on this date. Virtual School students should come to school between 9:30 and 10:30 to take their school picture. The time to take the picture should be less than 10 minutes. Please call us at 423-472-2241 if you have any questions. Arnold Memorial Elementary School - We Are The One!
almost 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Picture of camera with the words "Make-Up Picture Day"
PARENT TITLE I MEETING via Google Meet What: Title I Annual Meeting Who: Mike Chai, Arnold Principal Marsha Wallace, Title I Family Coordinator When: Monday, January 25, 2021 5:45-6:15 p.m. Where: Online at Home Invitation: All Arnold Parents & Students 2020-2021 Information will be given concerning Title I, Parent Involvement Plan, & the School Improvement Plan. We will have a door prize to give away at the end of the meeting--- A Swag Bag of Arnold Goodies for the lucky winner! Google Meet https://meet.google.com/cya-bksa-erp You can also join by phone: Dial this number: 346-800-4280 Passcode: 554 672 453#
almost 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Arnold Families, Here are links to information for your student's Specials/STEAM Classes for the week of January 11. If you would like, we have hard copies of this information at school. We also have hard copies of teacher packets if you need them. Please come by school to pick up packets if you need them. STEAM At-Home Learning Information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Qzz3t8DX0KQQXeOQxmx_2-5KZZUFzxM/view?usp=sharing At-Home Music Activities - https://drive.google.com/file/d/16xzeb-snp-bVsMgm-fR1UMuiFizjzLru/view?usp=sharing Arnold Memorial Elementary School - We Are The One!
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Arnold Families, Please see this link for the Arnold PE activities for Reconnection Week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E7XdOrKaLYM3cQpF96Hf2PT54RbENzAz_U6pRei_4eI/edit?usp=sharing We Are The One!
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Arnold Families, Please go to this link to see activities for At-Home PE. These activities can be done if you do not have online access for next week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_JGXkSk8a9tM7fIFJW0y0vQnALOJ5BjyUQGYkTd3pTw/edit?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Arnold Families, As you know, our system is moving to At-Home Learning for the week of December 14 - 18. We wanted you all to know several things as this week approaches. All students will be given a packet of work for the week. Our teachers have prepared and are ready to do face to face learning online. If your student is not able to do the online portion, please be sure that they work through the paper packet that will be sent home by this Friday. Please be sure to have your student return the completed packet when we return from the Holiday Break. There is a STEAM Time in the schedule. Here are the links necessary for your child to connect with our Specials Teachers during the STEAM time. Please note that your student will meet with the same Specials Teacher throughout the entire week. Kindergarten and 1st Grade - Music with Mrs. Marshall - https://meet.google.com/joj-fkzx-tgt 2nd Grade - Computer with Ms. Matthews - https://meet.google.com/fvm-hnkv-oow?hs=122&authuser=0 3rd Grade - Library with Ms. Marino - https://meet.google.com/xrd-qvup-xpi 4th Grade - Computer with Ms. Matthews - https://meet.google.com/ioo-dbxy-ksz?hs=122&authuser=0 5th Grade - Library with Ms. Marino - https://meet.google.com/pbc-seqs-xej We have also created links for students to connect with Ms. Murray during PE time. Kindergarten - 3rd Grade PE - https://meet.google.com/zga-buju-rpt 4th Grade - 5th Grade PE - https://meet.google.com/wjc-qjcc-mwt An At-Home Learning packet for PE has also been included. The times for learning on Monday through Thursday will be 8:15 - 3:15. The times for learning on Friday will be 8:15 - 10:15. Regarding school nutrition services, meals will be delivered to bus stop locations on Monday and Wednesday. Buses will leave on their regular routes to deliver meals around 10:00 am on both days. You may also pick meals up at Blythe-Bower, Candy’s Creek Cherokee, Cleveland High, Mayfield, or Yates on those days between 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. The bus stop and school pick up will include meals for multiple days. Please watch your emails and our social media for additional details later this week regarding this service. As a reminder, any child between the ages of 0-18 is eligible for no cost breakfast and lunch. We are here to support you and your student with any questions or concerns. Please feel free to call us at Arnold if you need assistance. We Are The One!
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Learning From Home
Arnold Families, Please see the attached information about P-EBT cards available for your student(s).
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
PEBT Information
PEBT Information
Arnold Families, On Tuesday, October 27 we are presenting an Online Parent Night for all Arnold Parents. This online event will discuss making healthy choices, emotional health in the pandemic, and we will have a guest video showing us healthy snack ideas. A set of recipes have been sent home with your student. If you want to follow along with the recipes, we will be making Trail Mix and Smoothies. We will begin this meeting at 5:45 PM. We have emailed and texted the links for the online meeting. Either link will work. Any parent that attends this meeting will be entered to win a fun prize to help make healthy snacks at home! Here are the links, again, either link will work: https://zoom.us/j/97390614868?pwd=QW42NkRvaVQxYjRETGdHbS9VSU9KZz09 or https://bit.ly/3dFcclf Meeting ID: 973 9061 4868 Passcode: 8L4qBV
about 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
We Are the One Logo
Arnold Families, Check out this information about joining Cub Scouts!
over 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Information on how to join Cub Scouts flyer.
Arnold Families, Please remember that school will be closed this upcoming Monday. We hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Arnold Memorial Elementary School - We Are The One!
over 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Happy Labor Day Picture
Arnold Families, Student arrival and dismissal information is coming home on Friday, August 14 . Please take a moment to read this document. You can also find the document here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/856864/Dismissal_Information.pdf
over 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Arnold Mustang Logo
Please see the following information about Arnold's Re-Connection Week!
over 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School
Re-Connection Week Information
Please check out the link to this video. This has great information on returning to school. Water bottles and ok to bring to school. We ask that your bottles are labeled with your child's name. Link: https://youtu.be/iDGebSCm9Yc Spanish: https://youtu.be/wdHatV1JDwA
over 4 years ago, Arnold Memorial Elementary School