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Lynda Paul
423-479-9641 ext. 8034
Melba Popa
Main Office Administrative Assistant
Support Staff
423-479-9641 ext. 8001
Emily Raper
7th Grade Assistant Principal
423-479-9641 ext. 8004
Loes Riggins
6 Yellow Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies
6th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8031
Hannah Ritchie
7 Red Science
423-479-9641 ext. 8029
Sierra Robinson
Special Services
Special Services
423-479-9641 ext. 8025
Matt Rodante
6 Purple Science
6th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8084
Madison Rodas
6 Red Social Studies
6th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8080
Melinda Rodgers
Library Assistant
Support Staff
423-479-9641 ext. 8091
Erica Rogers
8 Silver Social Studies
8th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8051
Todd Rose
Special Services
Special Services
423-479-9641 ext. 8028
Eric Sacharczyk
Health Science
Related Arts
423-479-9641 ext. 8019
Christy Sample
School Nurse
423-479-9641 ext. 8015
Trey Stanford
423-479-9641 ext. 8053
Eric Stiles
7 Blue Math
7th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8058
Holly Stroud
423.479.9641 ext. 8053
Danielle Suits
7 Blue Science
7th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8073
Ryan Swartzentruber
Operations Coordinator/Attendance
423-479-9641 ext. 8078
Russell Thomas
Support Staff
Cheree Thompson
8 Blue Science
8th Grade
423-479-9641 ext. 8087