Stuart’s summer office is set up and ready! We hope to be back in our building by late-July after the floor remodel is complete. Until then, if you need to contact the school, please call 423-476-8246, or email
Check out our social media feeds or visit for information.
Note: There are several days that Mrs. Jennifer and I are not in the remote office this summer due to vacations, meetings, and my oldest son is getting married....Yay! Email is the best means of communication. We will get back with you, as soon as we can.
Any items left at school by students will be available for pick up the first week of August. All students’ grades can be viewed in the Powerschool app where you view attendance.
See you in August!
Mrs. Shelton
Tomorrow is our last day of school for the 2020/21 school year. Buses will run and breakfast will be served. The school day starts at 8:15. Car riders will be dismissed at 11:00am and buses around 11:20. The Boys & Girls Club van will not run tomorrow.
What a beautiful day to celebrate the end of the year with our Kindergarten families! #grs2021
One of our FAVORITE days in third grade... the day when the Noon Day Rotary delivers dictionaries!!! ❤️ @clevelandrotary
This morning at Stuart Elementary an electric paper towel dispenser in our K-2 wing created a small fire in the restroom area. Proper protocols were followed and students and staff all safely exited the building as designed in our fire safety plan. There is no ongoing issue at Stuart and we are continuing with the school day. We appreciate the Cleveland Fire Department for their quick response to keep us all safe.
Kindergartener, first and second grade families...
As a part of our #Reading360 initiative, we are excited to announce that the At-Home Decodable Reading Series is now available for free for all Tennessee families with K-2 children to use at home to practice reading. Order your set today and practice reading these fun stories with your kids! #TNDecodables
What a great day to celebrate... the end of TNReady tests with #BubbleParties at recess, perfect attendance while testing & the @clevelandhighschoolblueraiders #SeniorWalk
Congratulations to our Inaugural #StuartScholarship Recipients. These former bulldogs turned @clevelandhighschoolblueraiders are going great places... Pre-Vet, Finance, Healthcare Admin & Medical/Psychology @utchattanooga @leeuniversity @mtsu #onceabulldogalwaysabulldog
Thank you Chick-fil-A on Paul Huff Pkwy and the CCS Board of Education for the boxed lunches! #teacherappreciationweek #youmakeaWORLDofDIFFERENCE
Friday, April 30, was College Decision Day. Stuart staff represented their alma maters, had a visit from Rowdy Raider and the Lee University Viking, and the kindergartners dressed up for the careers they want to have someday. Our 5th graders were able to discuss the possible technical careers they want to explore when the move on to CMS, as well. It was a day full of looking to the future!
Barnes & Noble is once again excited to be offering their Summer Reading journal for students in 1st-6th grade. Students who read eight books over the summer and record them on our journal can come in and pick a FREE book out! Journals are attached to this post in English and Spanish and include the list of eligible free books to pick from! Journals can be redeemed July 1st through August 31st.
(NOTE: This is not a school-support event, but we wanted to pass on the information in case your family wants to participate.)
Tomorrow we have Reading TnReady tests for 2nd-5th grade. Be sure your student gets plenty of rest and are at school around 8:00am. Some of the students will test until 11:30, so please do not check anyone out for appointments until after noon. Thank you for your support!
TNReady tests require the kiddos to do a lot of bubbling-in to show what they know, so we are going to celebrate on May 7th with a Bubble Party! Thank you, Mrs. Gowin, Mrs. Passavant and Mrs. Rodriguez for helping prep our “Bubble Party” bags, today!
S/O to these amazing young men! They are true examples of what it means to be a Stuart Bulldog! #kind #polite #considerateofothers #helpful #PAWSitiveOfficeReferrals #WeSeeYou #grs2021
Calling all Stuart 5th graders... You have a 6th Grade Parent meeting on Tuesday, April 20 from 6-8pm at Cleveland Middle School. Only 2 guests per student are allowed, per school COVID guidelines.
Thursday, January 28th, is Stuart's Fall Retake & New Students Picture Day. Packages must be purchased in advance. You can do this online or with a paper order form that was sent home to all new students. (See attached photo.)
Note: Stuart's VSC students are welcome to come to the school to have their photos made for the 2020/21 school year. They may come between 9:30-10:30 a.m. VSC students will enter at Door 13 in the front circle. Only students who are fever and symptom free can enter for a photo. Temperatures will be checked before allowing entrance and no adults are allowed in the building, as is Cleveland City School's COVID-19 policy.
Earlier this week, some of our school families received a letter about the P-EBT program. If you received a letter, please be sure to complete the information on the back and bring it along with a government issued ID to Cleveland Middle School on Tuesday, Nov. 3, anytime between 12:00 noon through 6:00pm. If you choose not to participate in this program, simply do nothing and the cards will be returned to the state.
To view copies of the letters sent home, please click on the follow links:
English -
Spanish -
TONIGHT is Stuart’s Spirit Night at Freddy’s on Paul Huff Parkway from 5-9pm. When you order, be sure to tell them you are from Stuart and our school will receive a portion of the money you spend. Thank you for helping our school in this way!
Stuart families, recently you received information about the FLUency program. To sign up, please text FLUENCY to 900900. You will receive a free thermometer and can receive messages about the health and wellness of our school. Don't miss out on this program!
Good afternoon,
First of all, thank you for helping us have a great first week. We recognize that many procedures have changed, but because of you it was a smooth start.
We have a few request to make our arrival and dismissal safer and more efficient. In the morning, cars must merge into one lane. All car-riders enter at Door 6 and get their temperatures checked. Please merge to one lane BEFORE rounding the last corner. We will be outside to help you with this in the mornings.
In the afternoons, please keep your car signs hanging in your car until your child is loaded. This helps the teachers know who goes into which car.
Finally, our doors open at 7:45, and the tardy bell is at 8:15. Please try to have children here close to 8:00 (The teachers begin morning meetings at 8:00.) Car riders are dismissed at 2:45. Please refer to our car dismissal videos on ClassDojo. Buses leave Stuart around 3:10-3:15.
Please reach out if you have questions. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and MOST importantly, ClassDojo. If you have not connected, send a note to your teacher for instructions. Thank you again for your assistance. We are so happy to have your children back at school!