Cleveland High School inducts seven new members into the CHS Alumni Hall of Fame

On Friday,  Sept. 9th, Cleveland High School inducted seven new members into the CHS Alumni Hall of Fame. These alumni have reached high levels of achievement and contributions to their career fields. 

This year's inductees are Brad Benton '80, President, Benton Enterprises and Pink Spoon, LLC, Lawrence Armstrong '85, President, NAACP and the 100 Black Men of Bradley County, Dr. Jeff Elliott '89, Chief of Staff, Cleveland City Schools, Dr. Sarah Fletcher Colonna '98, Oncology Specialist, David Tucker '99, Software Engineer/Founder, Mind Mill Media, LLC, Robby Marcum '09, Investigator, U.S. Department of Justice, and Maj (sel) Tucker Tipton '09, Air-to-Surface Test Flight Commander, U.S. Air Force.

Students were able to learn about each alumni during a recognition assembly in Raider Arena at Cleveland High School. Shortly after, these alumni took time to visit the classrooms of CHS where they had the opportunity to talk to students about their success in various fields. 

In addition, these alumni were recognized during the halftime of the CHS football game at Benny Monroe Stadium.

New members of the CHS Alumni Hall of Fame

The Cleveland High School Alumni Hall of Fame started in 2013 as a way to celebrate significant achievements by alumni and connect them with current students. These inductees are chosen through a selection process based on outstanding contributions in their fields of endeavor.

The Cleveland High School Alumni Hall of Fame continues to evolve with new inductees each year. Selection criteria look at how these alumni have made outstanding achievements, impacted their communities, lived a life of service, and showed the heart of a Raider.

Members of the community can submit a nomination year-round before selection in May. For more information about Cleveland High Schoolโ€™s Hall of Fame, you can visit Cleveland Highโ€™s website here.