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Dr. Alicia Kahrs
Well-Being Specialist
Student Services
(423) 472-9571
Randall Stephens
Supervisor of Career and Technical Education (CTE)
(423) 472-9571
Kellye Bender
Supervisor of Elementary and Counseling
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2009
Houston Mooneyham
Computer Technician
(423) 339-0902
Adam Cason
Computer Technician
(423) 339-0902 ext. 2207
Adam Moss
Learning Acceleration Program Coordinator
(423) 961-5411 ext. 3853
Andrea McMackin
Executive Assistant to the Director of Schools
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2020
Andrea Moore
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Innovation
(423) 339-0902 ext. 4001
Angie Hayes
Administrative Assistant for School Nutrition
Business Operations
(423) 472-9574 ext. 2016
Autumn O'Bryan
Director of Academics
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2019
Ben Snow
Computer Technician
(423) 339-0902
Cassie Bailey Phillips
Behavior Support Interventionist
(423) 472-9571 ext. 4021
Christy Duncan
Supervisor of ESL
(423) 339-0902 ext. 2209
Cindy Geren
Director of Business Operations
Business Operations
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2015
Cliff Eason
Student and Facilities Support Specialist
Student Services
(423) 339-0902 ext. 8502
Doug Moore
Director of Student Services, Title IX Coordinator
Student Services
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2006
Dr. Cody Raper
Director of Innovation
(423) 339-0902 ext. 4001
Dr. Danielle Scarth
Behavior and Life Skills Specialist
Student Services
(423) 472-9571 ext. 4019
Dr. David Stone
Supervisor of Special Populations
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2012
Dr. Jeff Elliott
Director of Schools
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2008