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Michele Adsit
Administrative Assistant
Human Resources
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2003
Savannah Shell
Secondary Data Coordinator
Student Information Systems
(423) 339-0902 x1234
Scotty Dye
Supervisor for Operations
(423) 472-9576
Shirleen Lombard
Learning Support Interventionist
(423) 339-0902 ext 4020
Stormy Vaughn
Field Supervisor- School Nutrition
(423) 339-0902 ext. 2022
Susan Shelton
Administrative Assistant- Operations
(423) 472-9576 ext. 2401
Teresa Gates
Benefits Clerk
(423) 472-9571 ext. 2010
Tim Davis
Network Administrator
(423) 339-0902 ext. 2204
TJ Allen
Systems Administrator
(423) 339-0902 ext. 2206
Valerie Mack
Assistant Manager of Transportation
(423) 472-9576 ext. 2402
Victoria Pritchard
Home Bound Teacher
(423) 339-0902 ext. 4005